Here at ES, we want to bring you the most competitive prices possible on all the products we offer. However, we understand from time to time you may find a lower price elsewhere.
If you find a price lower than what we have listed either call us on +44(0)987 3732, or email us at about the product you’re after with a link to where you spotted it cheaper. We’ll check it out and get back to you soon as.
Generally speaking though we will try to price match products which meet our criteria:
The seller must be an authorised EU dealer preferably with a shop in the EU. Due to differences in currency conversion rates and shipping fees we can’t always match prices from UK stores selling EU & UK manufactured products for example.
The product must be in stock and ready to ship. Sometimes prices change, if a shop has an out of stock product listed at a lower price they might not yet have updated the product to the new price, or might have that price calculated from a time when currency conversion rates were more favourable.
Must be the same product in new condition, not ex-demo or b-stock. We can’t price match new stock against the price of non-new stock elsewhere. Our own ex-demo or b-stock products are priced fairly, but get in touch if you think otherwise and we’ll see what we can do.
There must be a public link to the price we can see. Sometimes retailers might offer a special price to you when part of a larger order, or as a regular return customer. We can only price match a product against its listed price, not any special deal price. But we’re happy to chat about deals on large orders and always like to help out our regulars where possible.