This is second revision of the Power Starvation module.
It provides an “ideal” way to power starve other modules, starving modules means the modules will receive less voltage than the standard ±12V supply.
Power starvation is the first hack that any “DIY’er” learns. It’s also one of the hacks that can generate some of the most interesting sonic effects in circuit bending.
Plug any module below ±200mA through it and independently tune it’s supply power. This will have most interesting effects in analog modules: filters, delays, and mixers. They can either go silent or start screaming at your ears, going berserk with the lack of current to behaving normally, making them cough, choke, go spastic… Something like a safely induced heart attack…
While revision 01 was a simple circuit with pot working as a voltage divider, this upgraded version uses a DC to DC converter that receives its input from the +12V power rail and outputs a bipolar 15V supply.
This DC-DC converter also offers short circuit and overcurrent protection. The ±15V lines are then sent through variable analog voltage regulators that can output a range of 2.5V to 13.5V. In other words, the module features a ±200mA PSU with variable voltage outputs.
- Width: 6hp
- Depth: 45mm
- Power: +12V up to 600mA / -12V 0mA