Lich is a programmable multi-function module based in the Rebel Technology OWL platform that allows you to use Pure Data, Max Gen or Faust code into your module!.
Lich is a Befaco Rebel collaboration that brings back Owl’s platform with this new hardware iteration. It has stereo in and out, four pot controls summed to cv inputs (like the classic Owl module) And as addition, CV and Gate outputs, patch selection with display and USB MIDI host and device connections.
- Stereo Audio IN and OUT at 48k 24 bits
- 4 CV controls (Pot + Attenuated CV in)
- 2 CV outputs
- 1 Gate Output
- Patch selection and visialization via display
- USB host and Device connections
USB host and Device connections
Width: 12hp
Depth: 26mm
Power: +12V: 140mA, -12V: 30mA
Aluminium, heat-treated front panel.
Designed, kits prepared and completed modules assembled in Barcelona.