The A-108 module is a completely new voltage-controlled low-pass / bandpass filter based on the well-known transistor cascade (Moog cascade). It has an internal 8-step low-pass filter with 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 dB edge steepness. Of the 8 internally available stages, however, only the 6, 12, 24 and 48dB outputs are routed to outputs. These seem most meaningful to us after the first hearing results, as the differences are clearly audible here. For example, the difference between 24dB and 32dB or between 42 and 48 dB is barely audible. If, however, one of the other stages is to be available as an output, this can be changed internally.
The resonance (emphasis) of the A-108 can be adjusted up to the natural vibration. The A-108 then works as a sine wave oscillator. There is an external input (feedb.) For the resonance that is routed internally to the 48dB output when no cable is plugged into the feedback jack. In the feedback path thus any other modules can be looped (eg VCA for voltage-controlled resonance or phaser / frequency shifter for phase / frequency shifter effects).The frequency can be controlled manually (Frequency control) and via 3 control voltages (CV1, CV2, CV3), whereby each of CV2 and CV3 has its own attenuator.The audio input is so sensitive that overloads are possible even at normal A-100 levels (eg VCO output). With strong overdrive and simultaneous self-oscillation (sinusoidal oscillator) the self-oscillation breaks off. This may possibly be used as an additional stylistic device.
Width: 12hp
Depth: 75mm
Power: +40mA / -40mA
Manufacturer product page here.
Product manual here.